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Showing posts from December, 2022

Intellectual Property Rights in the USA and Canada

Intellectual property (IP) refers to any original human work, such as an artistic, literary, technological, or scientific production. It is widely acknowledged that intellectual property in the USA and Canada plays a critical role in the modern economy. It has also been decisively proven that the intellectual effort connected with the invention should be given adequate consideration in order for public benefit to result. The expenses of research and development (R&D) have risen dramatically, as has the capital necessary to bring new technology to market. To provide proper consideration to the creator of these Intellectual properties, Intellectual property rights(IPR) are provided by different-different laws of different countries. Intellectual property rights in the USA and Canada are the legal rights granted to the inventor or creator to safeguard his or her invention or production for a set length of time. These legal rights grant the inventor/creator or his assignee the only r