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Showing posts from July, 2024

Freedom to Operate Search | Product Clearance Search | InventionIP

Freedom of Operation (FTO) Search and Product Clearance Search processes are crucial in the field of intellectual property management. They help firms verify that their products do not violate current patents. This proactive strategy is critical for avoiding legal problems and promoting innovation. IP rights, notably patents, are intended to safeguard inventions and innovations. When a corporation produces a new product, it must guarantee that it does not violate the intellectual property rights of others. This is where FTO and Product Clearance Searches come in. They entail extensive research into existing patents to determine whether a new product can be introduced safely without infringing on existing rights. What is a Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search? A Freedom to Operate (FTO) Search involves a thorough examination of existing patents and pending patent applications. Its major objective is to establish whether a product or process can be developed, manufactured, and marketed withou